Welcome to Valhalla’s documentation!

This project aims to provide a simple and easy way to do penetration testing with the OWASP pentester guide.

The execution idea

In the penetration testing world there are alot of tools, which Valhalla assembles into different Docker containers. This keeps them separated from your local system, providing a good and simple way to version and execute them via a nice looking web GUI.

Internally the process is simple. A Docker container holds each tool that we need, and around the container is a small Rest API. This lets the user execute commands and get the results in the following way:

>>> from valhalla.dockerutils import OwtfContainer
>>> from valhalla.middleman.handler import send_for_execution
>>> oc = OwtfContainer('valhalla/containers/testcontainer')  # Point to the container
>>> oc.build_image()  # Build Docker image
>>> oc.build_container()  # Build continer from image
>>> oc.is_valid  # Check if valid
>>> oc.start()  # Start the container
>>> send_for_execution(oc, {'command': 'ping -c 1 scanme.nmap.org'})  # Execute command


Indices and tables